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Thanks to the encouragement from good friends involved with A Woman’s Work, a local non-profit that provides financial assistance to women in the St. Vrain Valley area, Nixcavating owner Scott Nix has agreed to participate in their 2012 Magnificent Men event. “Since I’m not as “magnificent” as I used to be, I’ve weaseled my son, Brady, into helping out as well”, says Scott.
The event is an auction where Scott and Brady, along with twenty-three other teams, will be auctioned off to raise money in support of this very worthy organization.
The auction will take place over three days at the Dickens Opera House in Longmont, with Scott and Brady going up for auction on Wednesday, July 18th, 2012 at 5:30 pm. As part of their auction package, Scott and Brady are hosting a Nixcavating-themed “date” where up to eight people will enjoy a construction worker lunch and have the opportunity to operate heavy equipment for about two hours.
The top twelve men who can bring in the most money during the auction, and through donations raised beforehand, will be on the 2013 Magnificent Men of A Woman’s Work calendar.
The event is open to the public, but donations can also be made beforehand. To donate, visit A Woman’s Work’s website or send a check made out to AWW to Nixcavating (PO Box 2232, Longmont, CO 80502), noting “Mag Men 2012 – Scott/Brady Nix” in the memo line.
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